1. KappaMask over Europe

Since the beginning of the year, KappaZeta has been using EOSC Future cloud computing resources with the aim to provide KappaMask-based cloud and cloud segmentation masks for every Sentinel-2 product over Europe.
By generating KappaMask-based cloud and cloud shadow segmentation masks for every Sentinel-2 product available in the European region and hosting the masks on CreoDIAS with a free licence, we provide ample opportunities for testing KappaMask performance for all interested parties.
Learn more from Tetiana’s presentation at the “Use cases from the EOSC community” webinar: https://youtu.be/Yuvd3y0JEXk?t=3239
2. German – Estonian Defence Industry Seminar in Tallinn
KappaZeta took part in the German – Estonian Defence Industry Seminar in Tallinn held by the Estonian Defence and Aerospace Industry Association. We were represented by Tanel Kobrusepp and Jürgen Lina who had a great opportunity to connect with the German defence industry leaders and the public sector.
KappaZeta is building near real-time Earth Observation solutions that are crucial for security and defence capabilities.
We are looking forward to the upcoming events to set our foot even further in the defence industry.

3. A look at the Estonian forest together with Levila
Levila journalists are tackling one of Estonia’s biggest mysteries – the lack of reliable information on the condition of Estonian forests.
With so much monitoring equipment (as seen in the illustration below), shouldn’t we be able to know just about everything about the forests? Levila contacted KappaZeta to ask how satellites can help get an overview of Estonian forests.
The first Levila blog posts are available in Estonian here: https://www.levila.ee/tekstid/kuhu-kaob-mets