1. KappaMask for Sentinel-2
Phase II of the KappaMask development has been going in full power for a few months already! We started introducing the model new areas such as deserts in Africa and Australia, tropics in South America and even Arctic regions. Previously KappaMask was trained only for Northern terrestrial summer conditions, but now we are also preparing ground truth data for all the seasons. And thanks to the hard and precise work of our labellers, the first results of the new KappaMask model on the previously unseen areas are out and you can examine them on the figures below.

Previously, KappaMask misclassified water as cloud shadows or semi-transparent clouds, or even as invalid pixels. Now, the model predictions look reasonable, however errors still occur.
On Figure 2, KappaMask predictions are presented in desert areas. You can see that most of the clouds and shadows are predicted correctly. Although, some of the terrain conditions are misclassified as cloud shadows and missed semi-transparent clouds are presented. Therefore, there is a lot of work still to be done!

Olga Wold, geospatial data quality specialist
2. Success at Kemira and Valtra Hackathons
KappaZeta participated in Kemira and Valtra hackathons on 9-10 and 22-23 of March in Finland. We teamed up with Lauri Karp and the partnership resulted in brilliant results. Our joint-team won the Kemira Hackathon with a concept of monitoring the end-to-end supply chains of next generation bio-based renewable materials with radar satellite data.
Few weeks later the same team got an honorable mention in Valtra Hackathon with a concept of automatic log generation of farming events (ploughing, sowing, mowing, harvesting etc.) for non-smart tractors.

More info at:
Kaupo Voormansik, CEO, SAR expert