We are a science-driven radar remote sensing company and our goal is to make space a valuable asset for everyone! There is an enormous and growing amount of remotely sensed data out there, much of which is largely unutilized. Why? Mostly due to the burden of accessibility, data processing and feature extraction.   

Seeking to improve the situation, we are offering ready-to-use high quality Sentinel-1 timeseries and change detection services. Sentinel-1 data is the only freely available radar data source which enables global monitoring at parcel scale with a revisit rate of between 3 to 12 days. We are among the very few in the world with the expertise to meaningfully utilize this data using our unique processing chain for radar interferometry. In comparison, optical satellites do not provide as regular and as timely data feed globally as radar satellites due to cloud interference and and variable illumination conditions.

The key area we focus on is agriculture. With the growing global population there is increasing pressure to produce more food every year, but land suitable for agriculture is at the same time decreasing. We believe that with timely information extracted from satellite data, farmers can make better decisions, earn more profit and ultimately grow better food. In terms of continuous monitoring of large areas on a weekly basis, satellites are by far the best data source.  

Continuously measured and calculated parameters, together with machine learning algorithms, enable us to solve different monitoring use-cases for numerous industries. Our cutting-edge technology converts raw data from the Sentinel-1 radar satellite into time series of features valuable for machine learning, used in both scientific and industrial applications. We are literally Making Space for Your Breakthroughs.    

Our development team is located in Tartu and Kuressaare, Estonia.

Company timeline
  • 2012 – Tartu Observatory Remote Sensing research group started to work with radar satellite data 

  • 2015 – Independent company registered, 4 founders

  • 2016 – Started development of the nation-wide system for automated monitoring of agricultural practices (SATIKAS) for The Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB) together with Tartu Observatory and CGI Estonia   

  • 2017 – Started ESA Estonian Industry Incentive Scheme (IIS) project “Grassland mowing detection for agricultural subsidy checks with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2" with demo applications in Denmark, Sweden and Poland.

  • 2018 – Nation-wide fully automated mowing detection system operational in Estonia and started incubation programme in ESA BIC Estonia
  • 2019 – As a consortium member in “National Programme for Addressing Socio-Economic Challenges through R&D” started to develop a crop classification methodology for Estonian conditions. 5 employees. 

  • 2020 – moved to our new office to Aparaaditehas, Tartu 

  • 2020 – KappaZeta received funding from European Space Agency (ESA) for three projects: 

    • Harvesting Time Recommendation for maximum crop Yield (HaTRY)

    • Grazing Detection from Copernicus Data for Agricultural Subsidy Checks

    • AI-based Cloud Mask Processor for Sentinel-2

  • 2020 - Welcomed a business development manager and new data scientists into our team. The company began to focus more on developing scalable services for other remote sensing companies and farmers. 10 employees.
  • 2020 - KappaZeta started to sell preprocessed Sentinel-1 coherence and backscatter time-series.
  Kaupo Voormansik
SAR expert, CEO
  Tanel Tamm
GIS expert, board member
  Karoli Kahn
Chief operating officer

  Martin Jüssi
3D-SAR Mission Manager

  Tanel Kobrusepp
CropCop product manager

  Andres Luhamaa
KappaOne product owner

  Catherine Akinyi Odera
Earth observation project manager

Tauri Tampuu
Research and Development Manager, SAR Expert

  Jürgen Lina
Head of Business Strategy

  Mariana Rohtsalu
Spatial Data Manager

  Tetiana Shtym
Machine learning engineer

  Indrek Sünter
Software developer
Mihkel Veske
Software developer

  Anton Kostiukhin
Software developer
  Heido Trofimov
Software developer
Hudson Taylor Lekunze
Machine Learning Engineer